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Linkage Protocols: DDE to UDF Link Conversion

View Related Video: User Defined Functions - Introduction

The User Defined Functions (UDF) protocol is the latest method of linking Microsoft Office documents with the Working Papers database. UDF offers enhanced functionality over its predecessor, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) protocol. To take advantage of Connector's full functionality, we recommend you convert existing DDE-based documents to UDF.

For more information on linkage protocols and their effects on linking to the Working Papers database see the topics Selecting a Linkage Protocol and Connecting to Working Papers, respectively.

UDF linkages use a more simple and intuitive formula compared to DDE linkages. The following formulas illustrate the differences between the two protocols:

UDF: cw_act("BR","101")

DDE: cwin32|Data!'CWEval|active|act("BR","101")|'

Although, both formulas contain the specific Connector function, UDF formulas are composed solely of this function and nothing else.

The conversion process is one-way. Once a document has been converted from DDE to UDF, it cannot be converted back. It is recommended the file be backed up before conversion begins.

Instructions for performing the conversion is available:

  • Here for a single document.
  • Here for multiple documents in batch.

Creating documents containing both DDE and UDF based links is not recommended. Once a document has been converted to UDF, ensure the setting Use Connector User Defined Functions (UDF) is enabled and is not disabled in the future on any staff workstation.

  • Connector is still fully compatible with existing DDE-based linkages and conversion is not a necessary step.
  • UDF-based documents located outside the client file folder (or one of its immediate subfolders), require the option Use Client File opened in Working Papers for UDFs to connect to the currently active file.
  • Changing the network file path of a linked file to a local path may cause the UDF-based linkages to return an error.