You are here: Getting Started > Installing Financials > Installing Financials from CD for Firm Customization
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Installing Financials for Customization

A person in the organization can customize Financials with their specific content. The customized template can then be repackaged and deployed to staff to serve as the base template that they will use. If your organization has chosen to customize Financials, you should install from the link provided by CaseWare Sales to the local workstation of the individual responsible for the template customization.

  1. Click Next in the installer wizard.
  2. Define the path of your Working Papers program and the path of the Document Library folder located within your Working Papers program directory. We strongly recommend using the CaseWare defaults.
  3. Click Finish. The template installation will begin. Upon successful completion of the template installation, a dialog will appear indicating such. Click the Close button to continue.

    Note: The installation process may take several minutes.

  4. After you install the template, refer to the online help for more information.


Follow this process when creating a customized template:

  1. Review the content included in the master file. You may prefer to maintain the default content provided and not make any of your own changes. In that case, just distribute the original Financials installation provided by CaseWare; there is no need to repackage.
  2. Customize any of the content in the Master file for your organization's standards.
  3. Repackage the customized template.
  4. Distribute the repackaged installation to your users. The user then installs and applies the firm customized version of the template to the client files.

For more detailed information, consult the help or the CaseWare QuickVids at