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Specifying the mini risk report type

Note: This feature is not available in all products.

In a work program, checklist, or the Financial Statement Areas Worksheet, you can specify whether the mini risk report displayed at the top of the document is a Risks Addressed or a Risks Identified mini risk report. The Risks Addressed mini risk report lists entity level risks and risks addressed in the work program or checklist in which the report is contained. The Risks Identified mini risk report lists risks where the work program, checklist, or Financial Statement Areas Worksheet is the risk source. In the Financial Statement Areas worksheet, the Risks Identified mini risk report also lists entity level risks.

  1. From the Options menu, select Risk Report View.

  2. From the submenu that appears, select Risks Identified to display the Risks Identified mini risk report, or select Risks Addressed to display the Risks Addressed mini risk report.

  3. If a dialog appears that asks whether you want to change the currently used view from auto to manual, click Yes. Setting the view to manual enables you to specify the mini risk report type.

  4. In the dialog that asks whether you want the currently selected view to be the new default view for this document, click Yes.

This online help system applies to all CaseWare Audit, Review, and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.