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Usted está aquí: Help Topics > Connector Linkages > Building a Link > Using the Linkage Dialog
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Using the Linkage Dialog

Using the Connector Linkage dialog, you can sort through the available Working Papers data to retrieve specific values from your client file. You can select from a number of Working Papers categories to return a result set; refine the result set and its values; and format dates and numbers as necessary. You can then select the value from the result pane to generate the corresponding Connector formula.

Generally, you can approach linking from the linkage dialog as follows:

  1. Select a Working Papers category to retrieve a result set.
  2. Refine the result set for the applicable entity, period, and year.
  3. Refine values to calculate specific balances.
  4. Format values such as dates, numbers, and currencies.
  5. Select the value from the result set, verify its value, and accept the link.
  • Ensure that Connector can establish a connection to the source client file.
  • If using Connector with Excel, ensure that the Excel document is saved prior to opening the Linkage dialog.

In Word or Excel open the Linkage dialog () from the Connector toolbar. Select a cell or place your cursor at the position where the resulting link is to be created.

  1. Select a Working Papers category.

    Use the left pane to select a category. A result set for that category is retrieved from the client file.

    A complete list of categories and their descriptions are available here.

  2. Refine the result set.

    Use the following drop down menus and buttons:

    Drop down menu/button Function
    Entity To retrieve results for a specific entity in a consolidated file.
    Parent Only Balances () To retrieve results for the parent entity only in a consolidated file.
    Trial Balances () To show all of the accounts in the currently selected entity and all sub-entities
    Period To retrieve results for a specific period.
    Fiscal Year To retrieve results for prior years.
    Hide Zero Values () To hide values with zero balances from the results.
  3. Refine values.

    Use the following drop down menus and buttons:

    Drop-down menu/button Function
    Balance Type To retrieve values for a specific balance type.
    Rounding To specify when values are rounded during calculations.
    Period Only Balances () To retrieve balances for a specific period.
    Foreign Exchange () To retrieve balances with foreign rates applied.
    Include Sub Balances () To retrieve balances that include sub balances.
    Other Basis Adjustments () To retrieve balances including other basis adjustments.
  4. Format values.

    Use the following drop down menus:

    Drop down menu/button Function
    Format To specify the appearance of dates, numbers and currencies.
    Use Sign To retrieve values with an inverted sign.
  5. Select value, verify, and accept.

    In the result set, click the value to link. The Linkage dialog generates the corresponding formula in at the bottom of the dialog.

    Note: You can only link values from columns in the result set where the column heading is in bold.

    Use the preview box to verify your value is correct and click Accept () to create the link.

The resulting value is displayed in Word or Excel. You can move your cursor to a different cell or position in your document to create additional links.

For a full list of options from the Linkage dialog, see here.

Make sure you save your document after verifying all changes.

  • The Linkage dialog can remain open while you modify your document. For additional information about Linkage dialog behaviors while working in Word or Excel, refer to Linkage Dialog Behaviors.
  • The function box recognizes mathematical operators.You can create calculated links by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing constants and values from multiple links.

    For more information, see Linkage Expressions.

  • If the link data is inserted after the link, the link will break and the next link will be inserted one space below it rather than replace the first link.
  • To change the position of the next link, double click in a part of the document, such as a paragraph of a table, and press space, then insert the field.
  • If a group of cells is selected when inserting the link, links will be inserted into every cell in a sequencial pattern.

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