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Financial Statements Overview

The financial statements document included in the Financials template consists of the default settings defined by CaseWare International and standards defined by the CL - Organization standards document. Template authors can modify the options in the financial statement tabs to better reflect the needs of their organization before repacking and distributing to end users. Once completed, the financial statements document acts as the starting point for engagement files created by the end user.

While customizing the template, the financial statements document can also be used to view the results of any work completed in the content library documents. Template authors are reminded that any changes to content must be done in the libraries. Changes to the financial statement document are not saved to the library. Template authors can test the different statement, schedule, and note formats they created either by deleting and re-generating the entire set of statements or by inserting each component manually.

Additionally, template authors can define the default options in the financial statements that best suit their organization's needs and re-generate the statements to reflect these settings. This will provide a good starting point for end users in their client files.