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Default Settings

The Financials template is distributed with default settings. Template authors can change these defaults to meet their organization’s needs. The CL: Organisation standards document contains all the default settings available for customization and can be accessed from the CQ - Organization settings document. These settings control the style, structure, and content of the financial statements. This ensures that firm standards are maintained during the preparation of the financial statements by end users..

The selections template authors make in this area become the default settings for the end users. Authors specify how much flexibility is available to the user when completing the financial statements. For example, authors can choose to make all of the decisions and lock the user out of the ability to modify the financial statements. Authors can also choose to leave the standards unlocked and give the user the ability to change any of the options specified.

The goal is to enable the user to focus on the actual work instead of having to deal with setting up the template and formatting the financial statements.

The Organisation standards can be divided into the following major categories:

  • General Standards
    • Names
    • General Settings
    • Data Reporting
  • Branding
    • Logos
    • Formatting
    • themes
    • Page Setup
  • Content
    • Knowledge Library