The Do-It-Yourself table format allows you to customize the look and functionality of a table. Along with the usual menu options provided for a Caseware Financials table, the Do-It-Yourself table format enables you to:
- Insert and delete columns
- Specify column type attributes
- Modify reporting period characteristics
- Create your own custom column calculation
- Access the CaseView Table and Cell Property dialogs
- Customize table headings
- Apply styles
- Insert cells
- Input paragraph text
- Insert a previously created DIY table below another or the same DIY table
- Link DIY tables to schedules and statements
Adding new content based on the Do-It-Yourself table format is no different than inserting any other format. Simply select the Do-It-Yourself table format when selecting your base content.
Note: Due to the level of sophistication users are allowed to impose on a custom table, the Do-It-Yourself table feature is not affected by column display and ordering settings provided in the CL - Organization standards document and the configuration options in the financial statements.