Defining Non-Do-It-Yourself Statement Linkages

Template authors can automatically link statements together so that the subtotal or total from one statement will populate a line item in another statement. Linking the statements requires template authors to define one statement as the source and the other statement as the target. The linkage source is a subtotal or total row within the statement. Any line item in the statement can be the linkage target.


To define a linkage source and target, you must have created the financial statement area content for the source and target. See Adding and organizing content for more information.

Defining a linkage source

In a financial statement area, you can specify that a line in a table is to be a source for a linkage.


  1. Open the Firm Library document for the financial statement area in which you want to set the linkage source.
  2. Click on the subtotal or total row that will be the source.
  3. From the Table Tools tab, in the Linkage group, select Set As Linkage Source.

  4. In the Statement Linkage dialog, click New.
  5. In the dialog that appears, type a new linkage description. Click OK.
  6. Select the check box next to the linkage description that you just created.

  7. Click OK.


The selected line is now a source and can be used to link to another statement or schedule.

Defining a linkage target

In a financial statement area, you can specify that a line in a table is to be a target for a linkage.


  1. Open the Firm Library document for the financial statement area in which you want to set the linkage target.
  2. Click on the row that you want to use as the target.
  3. From the Table Tools tab, in the Linkage group, select Set As Linkage Target.

  4. In the Statement Linkage dialog, select the check box next to the linkage description that you created when you defined the linkage source.

  5. Click OK.


The selected line is now a linkage target, and is now automatically linked to the source.

Note: You can define the linkage target before defining the linkage source. To do this, type a new linkage description when defining the target, and select this linkage description when defining the source.