Content Management Options

When creating or editing a note in a firm library document, the Content Management pane allows you to define attributes of the note.

To view the Content Management pane, click anywhere in the note, and from the Document menu, select Content Management and then Show Content Management Options.

The following fields are defined in the Content Management pane:

Field Description
Version The version number of the note. Updating the version number is required to trigger the update in the client file.
Last Modified The date that the note was last modified. This date automatically changes when the version is incremented.

Financials provides the ability to link the note to line items in the financial statements. The Type field defines how the note will link to the line item when inserted into the financial statements. Linking the notes to the statement or schedules ensures that there are no rounding differences. The linkage types are:

  • No Linkage – The note will not link in the financial statements.
  • Manual – The note can be linked in the financial statements by the end user if desired.
  • Automatic -- The note will automatically link the note number and total to the specified mapping number when inserted into the financial statements.
Map No A drop-down list of mappings/groupings used in the template. The list populates with the default defined in the General Settings pane of the CL - Organization standards document. When the Type field is set to Automatic, the note will automatically link to line items where a balance exists for the selected map/group number in this field.
Link to Double-click this field to launch the list of totals/subtotals in the note that can be linked to the statement or schedule line item. When the selected note is based off a DIY table, this will launch the linkage definition window.
New Mark the note as new. You can provide a date to include the note as new until that date. In the client file, a separate view can be used to display all notes marked with these attributes. This can assist the end users in reviewing any notes that are marked as new so they can quickly review new disclosure requirements or changes to firm wording or layout.

Notes can be marked as expired and a date provided for when the note is considered to expire. Notes marked as expired can be highlighted in the client file. This assists in identifying notes in an existing financial statement that may need to be removed or replaced due to changes in authoritative guidance or firm standards.

Expired notes can be marked as usable after their expiry date. This enables these notes to be used in engagements where the content may still be relevant. For example, if a note expired based on a fiscal period date, you may still want this note available at the engagement level to accommodate engagements that are not complete.

Effective After Indicate that the note is to be effective after a specified date or fiscal period.
Applies To The reporting framework to which this note applies. Note: This section is not defined in some Financials products. Choosing a framework for the note will filter the list of available notes in client files when the applicable framework is selected in the client file.