Compare command

Use this command to compare a CaseView document to a milestone document, a prior year version of the document, a knowledge library or another CaseView document. Choose to compare either entire documents or identically labeled sections.

Compare to another file

Select this radio button to compare the active file to another CaseView document. This is the base case, where the cell contents are compared directly with another cell. The Compare to a File dialog will launch, followed by the Compare to a File Options dialog.

Compare Knowledge Library Links to their sources

If selected, the comparison will be carried out using links to a knowledge library. The Section Comparison Results dialog will launch.

This type of comparison is intended for comparing the current document to the Knowledge Library Document and identifying any changes that have occurred in the Knowledge base since the links were last updated. This option will compare only the sections that are referencing other library documents. Using the information that can be accessed in the section dialog under the Reference tab, CaseView opens the reference document(s) and proceeds to compare the appropriate sections. The cell contents are not considered in the comparison, although a difference in a cell's overridden flag will trigger a difference.

Tip: Start with last year's financial statements and use the comparison and revision features on the latest knowledge library to ensure their accuracy.