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Comparing to a Milestone Document

Use milestones to track progress in a document. Compare between a specific milestone and the current version of the document to see what content changed.

You can compare differences by section or document.

  • Document Compare: View a side-by-side comparison of the entire document.
  • Section Compare: View side-by-side comparison of a specific section.

To compare a milestone:

  1. From the ribbon menu, click File.
  2. Click Version History | History.
  3. The Version History dialog displays. Choose the milestone you want to compare to the document. Click Compare.

The Common Sections dialog displays. Choose a comparison method to launch Visual Compare.

In Visual Compare, you can easily view the changes to a document. Added content displays highlighted in green, and removed content displays highlighted in red. To quickly jump between changes in the document, use Next Diff and Prev Diff.

Note: You can only compare CaseView and automatic documents in Working Papers. For other document types, you must use an external comparison tool.

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