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Tracking Changes in the Visual Compare/Merge

Changes to the following attributes can be tracked in the Visual Compare/Merge pane.

The options available in the Visual Compare/Merge Properties dialog depend on the Mode the user is currently in: for Design Mode, all options show; for Form Mode only those options for input cells and input paragraphs show; and, in Form Mode with Editing Enabled, although all choices show, shading displays only in the Visual Compare/Merge pane for those properties for which the user has security permissions.

Paragraph Differences
Selection Differences
Paragraph in original content only Any paragraphs existing in the replaced content, but not in the updated content.
Paragraph in updated content only Any paragraphs added to content during the update that did not exist in the original content.
Paragraph position Positioning of the paragraph within its section.
Paragraph formatting Aspects of paragraph formatting including properties, indents, borders and shading.
Character-level formatting Paragraph font type, font color, and format formatting such as bolding etc.
Paragraph contents Text, and the addition of graphics or graphs, in paragraphs.
Paragraph logic Logic such as skip or hide conditions.
Apply style Styles applied.
Input paragraph settings Settings to an input paragraph.
Page setup Page setup including margins, orientation, header and footer size, page borders and shading, and watermarks.
Page break Inserting or deleting a page break.
Table of contents If automatic table of contents is added or changed.

Cell Differences
Selection Differences
Cell in original file only Cells that no longer exist in the updated file.
Cell in updated file only Cells that occur only in the updated file.
Cell contents Changes to text or formulas in cells.
Cell formatting Aspects of cell formatting including borders and shading, font changes, and using the option to use the paragraph font by default.
Cell attributes Non formatting, non-logical changes such as cell groups, events, changed flags, etc.
Cell logic Logic such as skip or hide conditions, or changes to Sum or Accumulator groups.
Input cell settings Setting for an input cell.

Table Differences
Selection Differences
Table in original content only Any tables existing in the replaced content but not in the updated content.
Table in updated content only Any tables added to the content during the update that did not exist in the original content.
Table position Position of table within the section.
Table formatting Table formats such as identifiers, indenting, and colors.
Table logic Logic such as skip or hide conditions.
Wide table settings Options set in the Wide Table Printing tab such as keep together, column breaks and repeat columns.
Number or rows If rows have been added or deleted causing a change in the number or rows.
Number of columns If columns have been added or deleted causing a change in the number or columns.
Table row differences Changes to the content of a row, such as the modification of an input cell.
Table row logic Logic such as skip and hide conditions.
Table row formatting Row minimum height and span of row.
Table column differences Changes to the content of a column, such as the modification of an input cell.
Table column logic Logic such as skip and hide conditions.
Table column formatting Column formats such as column spacing.
Table column permissions Access rights for Form Mode with Editing enabled. Only available in Design Mode.
Table square differences Changes to the content of a single square of a table, such as the modification of an input cell.
Table square formatting Options set in Table Borders & Shading tab that apply to table squares.

Section Differences
Selection Differences
Section position Where the section starts or ends has changed by resizing or moving content.
Section formatting Aspects of section formatting including boxes and currency options.
Section logic Logic such as skip and hide conditions.
Section permissions Access rights for Form Mode with Editing enabled. Only available in Design Mode.
Section in original content only Any sections existing in the replaced content but not in the updated content.
Section in updated content only Any sections added to the content during the update that did not exist in the original content.

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