You are here: Help Topics > Completion > Comparison > Visual Compare/Merge Properties dialog

Visual Compare/Merge Properties Dialog

Use this dialog to select the options to include in the comparison.

Show Differences

In Design Mode, the list includes the full range of changes tracked and shaded. In Form Mode, the changes tracked are limited to input paragraphs and cells. In Form Mode with Editing Enabled, although all choices show, shading displays only in the Visual Compare/Merge pane for those properties for which the user has security permissions.

To turn off shading for any of the differences to the attributes listed, clear the check box beside it in the listing.

Full list of tracked changes


Change the default colors by clicking the images\lookbut2_shg.gif next to the color and selecting a new one. To create and use a custom color, click Other to access additional colors.

Click OK to apply the changes.