You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Design and layout > About Auto Copy Text

About Auto Copy Text

Document designers can permit a User in the Form Mode to add blocks of pre-designed text and cells to a locked document. The Auto Copy feature enables the designer to create blocks of text that can be inserted into the document at the user's discretion. For example, in order to permit the user to add additional notes to the financial statements, there are two options: create blank cells with input paragraphs that skip when blank, or create a blank note as auto copy text that only becomes part of the document if the user requires it. Auto copy text can be inserted into the document multiple times using the renumber feature that renumbers auto copy cells before each insertion.

There are 3 steps to prepare to use the auto copy feature:

  1. Create the auto copy text.
  2. Label the auto copy text and assign a copy level
  3. Assign areas throughout the document that accept auto copy text

Next, insert the text or create a cell that automatically inserts auto copy text when a User in the Form Mode clicks the cell.

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