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About Headers and Footers

A header usually appears at the top of every page. A footer usually appears at the bottom of every page. For example, a company logo could appear in a header, and the page number in a footer. To allow for easier navigation, headers and footers may be named.

There is essentially no limit to the number of headers and footers which can be created (over 1 billion of each). CaseView has been designed to only load, save, and search through headers and footers which actually contain content or have been given a title. It is not unexpected, when viewing the list of available headers/footers, to see header numbers "missing" from the sequence, if the header has been previously deleted, for example. Previous versions of CaseView listed all possible header and footer numbers, regardless of their content; please be aware of this change in behavior as it may be confusing to see truncated lists which previously contained 50 entries.

CaseView allows for a maximum of 50 headers and 50 footers. when creating multiple headers, it may be necessary to use hide and skip conditions to combine similar header content into a single header entry.

When using headers and footers, it is necessary to create the desired header or footer first and then attach the header or footer to the appropriate pages in the document.

Each page can contain multiple headers and footers. Attach each header and footer to the first non-skipped line of the page displaying the header or footer. Once a header or footer is attached to a page, all subsequent pages contain the same header or footer unless the header or footer number is changed. Assigned headers and footers appear in the Style window using an H# or F# reference.

Headers and footers can also be assigned conditionally to a page. For example, it is possible to specify the header that is assigned to pages printed in portrait orientation and the header used when the page is printed with a landscape orientation. Odd and Even pages can be assigned different headers and footers. In addition, different headers or footers can be assigned to a range of pages for each of the following: the first page, subsequent pages, and the last page.

All the options for headers and footers are controlled in the Header/Footer dialog under the Document tab.

If specifying a header and/or a footer for the first, last or a subsequent page of a document, note that the size of the header/footer must be constant between those set for subsequent pages and those set for the last page or else printing may have errors. As a result there is also a new diagnostic to detect differences between their sizes.

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