You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Design and layout > Note Numbers

Add note numbers

CaseView's automatic note numbering allows the relevant notes based on incoming data to be numbered sequentially, regardless of the number of notes within the document. These note numbers can then be automatically cross-referenced to another part of the document (e.g., the main body of the Balance Sheet) thereby providing accurate referencing.

Note numbering pools are only applicable if there is more than one set of note numbering in different areas of the document starting at 1. Use the pool counter option to use the same numbering pool for different sets of note numbers. To prevent contiguous numbering, select the Reset pool counter check box.

Note numbers can also be alphanumeric. When more than 26 notes have been created, the numbering pool resets from Z to AA, AB, AC, etc.

Note number subsections are only applicable if a main note number with points is nested within that require automatic numbering. To use note numbering without subsections, use the One level number option and enter the preferred number style in the Level 1 box.

To create automatically incremented note numbers:

  1. Position the insertion point at the start of the first note.
  2. On the Insert tab, click Note Number.
  3. Under Properties, in the Note numbering pool drop-down list, select Numbering pool A.
  4. Under Format, select the note number subsections and levels. Your selections will be previewed at the bottom of the Subsections area.
  5. Under Properties, enter the cross-reference identifier. This identifier is used when referencing note numbers. See Insert note number references.
  6. Configure any remaining options as needed.

    Option Description

    Style List

    Select an existing style, create a new one, or set the note number parameters manually by selecting None. Selecting a style for the note number will limit the options available on this dialog.

    Note Subsections

    Select the format that sub-note number should follow. Select whether or not higher note number should be included, if there should be a separator, etc.

    One level number (1,2,3..)

    Uses only one level of note numbering in the desired format as explained below.

    Two level number (i.e. 1.1,1.2,1.3)

    Uses dual level note numbering with the first and second level separated by a period.

    Three level number (i.e. 1.1.1,1.1.2)

    Uses three levels of note numbering with each level separated by a period. The number format for each level may be selected individually.

    Two level, flush (i.e. 1a,1b,1c)

    Uses dual level note numbering with no separator symbol between the two levels. The number format for each level may be selected individually.

    Two level, bracketed (i.e. 1(a),1(b))

    Uses dual level note numbering with the second level enclosed in brackets. The number format for each level may be selected individually.

    Level two only (i.e. 1,2,3..)

    Uses only a level two note numbering system with any note number format.

    Level three only (i.e. 1,2,3..)

    Uses only level three note numbering with any note number format.

    One level bracketed (i.e. (1), (2))

    Uses only one level of note numbering with any note number format. The numbers/ letters are bracketed.

    Level two only bracketed (i.e. (1), (2))

    Uses only a level two note numbering system with any note number format. The numbers/ letters are bracketed.

    Level three only bracketed (i.e. (1), (2))

    Uses only level three note numbering with any note number format. The numbers/ letters are bracketed.

    Level X Format

    Select if the note number should be numeric, alphanumeric, or roman numeral.


    Add text or symbols to be included before or after the number. Place entered symbols or text in double-quotes.


    Create a label for note number references.

    Note numbering pool

    Note numbers are not entered as static numbers, but rather as placeholders that pull the next number available from a pool. This way notes may be added or removed from the document without having to manually renumber the remaining notes. Select the pool from which to pull a number.

    Belongs to category

    Type or select the category for the note number. Categories could coincide with each of the financial statements, depreciation, tax, for example.

    Reset pool counter

    Resets the counter for the currently selected note numbering pool to restart the numbering sequence.

    Allow wrapping

    Should the note number and its preceding and subsequent text or symbols be wide enough to reach the end of a the line, this option allows or prevents the number from wrapping to the next line.

    Skip print

    Select to prevent the note number from appearing on the printed document. If using a Note Number Style, this option may have been dictated by the style and will not have an effect regardless of the status of this checkbox.

    Skip following tab if skipped

    If the note number is immediately followed by a tab, this option allows for the tab to be automatically skipped in the event the number itself is skipped to keep spacing consistent.


    A preview window appears at the bottom of the dialog to ensure the configuration matches the intended results.

  7. Click OK. The automatic note number will appear in a different color.
  8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each additional note number you want to include in the sequence.

To edit a note number quickly, double-click the note number.