You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Sub-documents > Object command

Object command

Use this command to insert a new or existing external object, such as a spreadsheet, a sound or an image, into a CaseView document at the cursor's current location.

Create New

Click this radio button if you want to create a new object using an external application. Then select the type of object that you want to create from the Object Type list. The types available are determined by external applications existing on your hard drive.

Create from File

Click this radio button if you want to insert an existing file created with an external software program. Then enter the path and name of the file in the File field. Click the Browse button to locate the file manually.


If selected, the object will remain linked to the pre-existing file so that changes made to the object either through CaseView or the original program will be reflected in both locations.

If not selected or if the file you want to use was created in a program that does not support linked and embedded objects, you must reinsert the object or copy and paste changes from the application into the CaseView document.

Display As Icon

If selected, the external object will appear as an icon while you work in the CaseView document.


A description of the type of object to be inserted and the properties selected is displayed.


  • To learn more about any field or option in the dialog box, click the question mark at the top right corner and then click the option.
  • Embedded Excel charts or worksheets and Word document objects update in CaseView if they are changed in the original file. If a CaseView documents contains many embedded objects of these types the updating may take a few minutes.