View Tab

The View tab contains commands that control the editing mode, display preferences, and shown or hidden content.

Note: Available commands vary based on the editing mode selected.

Form Mode

Switches to Form Mode. Form Mode is a close representation of the printed document with limited functionality.

Design Mode

Switches to Design Mode. Design Mode allows access to the full functionality of CaseView.

Enable Editing

Depending on the permissions given, you can switch to Form Mode with Editing Enabled. Form Mode with editing enabled is essentially a middle ground between Form and Design Mode.

Document Map

Opens the Document Map to easily navigate through large documents.

Goto Bookmark

Opens the Goto Bookmark dialog to quickly jump to a bookmark in the document.

Skipped Text

Displays text that is marked with a skip condition. Clear this option to hide skipped text and display the document on screen similar to the actual printed document.

Note: Available only in Form Mode.

Style Window

Opens the Style Window to show style names, section permissions, and areas that require input.


Shows the tab ruler. Tabs are used to control the horizontal positioning of text in a document.


Opens the Display Preferences dialog to configure general display options for the current document.

Zoom Level

Enlarges or reduces the size of a document as it appears on the screen based on the zoom level selected.

Zoom In/Out

Enlarges or reduces the size of a document in increments of 25%.

Fit content to screen

Enlarges the content to fit between the left and right margin of the document window.

Fit page to screen

Enlarges the page to fit the document window.

Full screen

Enlarges the document to fit the full screen.

New Window

Opens the current document in a new window.

Note: To enable this command, the Multiple Document Windows option must be selected under Tools | Options | Interface.


Arranges open windows so you can easily view, navigate, and edit different documents at once.


Arranges open windows so they overlap, leaving the title bar of each window visible.

Tile Horizontally

Arranges open windows side by side so they are all visible.

Tile Vertically

Arranges open windows one above another so they are all visible.

Arrange Icons

When multiple documents are open but minimized, this function will sort the icons for the documents in a horizontal line along the bottom of the window.

Split/Unsplit Vertically

Splits the screen with a vertical line. Panes scroll together vertically but independently horizontal, allowing for an easier view of wide tables.

Split/Unsplit Horizontally

Splits the screen with a horizontal line. Panes scroll together horizontally but independently vertical, allowing for simultaneous work in two locations in the document.

Synchronize Split of Freeze

If enabled, the freeze and main body of the document will share the same split properties.


Opens the Issues Viewer to identify and edit issues.

View Issues

Opens the Issues Viewer.

Highlight Issues

Highlights issues based on the selected type.

Add Issue to Document

Opens the New Issue dialog to create and configure a new issue.