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Manage Repository Dialog

The Manage Repository dialog lists all of the repositories available. From this dialog you can add, copy, edit, modify and perform other actions on repositories. Note that all changes made in this dialog are permanent.


The Add button is used to add new CaseView documents to the repository. When you click the Add button, the Add Repository dialog opens.


Click this button to copy folder(s), document(s), or a repository. You will need to provide new values for the copy in the Name, Description, and Version fields.


The modify button on this interface is used to change the meta data for repository documents including the Name, Description, and Version. Repositories cannot be modified if the repository file is open and being edited in CaseView.

Note that in sync children copies, modifying the repository identifier will create separate repository entries.


Click the Delete button to delete the highlighted document from the repository and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Note that if you delete a repository file, CaseView will automatically create a backup of the repository file with the .repbak file extension.


The edit button opens a repository document for editing in CaseView.


Click Close to close the Manage Repository interface.

Note: Repository backup files (.BAK) will only be created if the Always create backup copy (.BAK) option is checked in the Document | Settings | File tab.