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Building Dynamic Documents

There is a direct relationship between the amount of work put into designing a document and the amount of work an end user will need to do to make use of it. The more adaptable a document is to a range of situations, the less modification will need to be performed as the statements are being generated. Adaptability is possible when using CaseView's more advanced features.

  • Formatting and layout changes may be performed with intuitive buttons or check boxes in the Freeze.
  • Information that is likely to change from file to file, such as the client's name, can be built as a dynamically linked cell using CLP codes rather than entered manually.
  • Tables can be built to adapt to any size chart of accounts, without the need to recode the contents.

CaseView is designed with the assumption that the only content which is manually entered into the document will remain static from client file to client file. Any content that varies by client may be linked in a dynamic way. The sample file Samp01, which is installed in the Working Papers installation folder in a subfolder called Data, contains a simple and advanced set of sample Financial Statements. Both have examples of methods of universalizing a document. Clients are encouraged to use these examples as a guideline for building similar functionality in their documents, or they can simply modify the sample document to suit their needs and use that as their template.

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