You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > Knowledge Library Entries List context menu

Knowledge Library Entries List Context Menu


Use this command to launch the selected Knowledge Library document. The document opens and is available for editing as long as the file is not marked as read-only and the user opening it has the correct permissions to do so.

Unlike making changes in a Knowledge Library opened from CaseView itself, users are not prompted to log into the Knowledge Library index when saving changes.

Remove from KLI

Removes the selected Knowledge library index from the Knowledge Library Index listing.

Delete Knowledge Library Entry

When selected, the Knowledge Library opens, and is brought to the front of CaseView. The cursor is moved to the proper section for the entry and the command can be used to trigger a user-defined system script to delete the Knowledge Library entry.

New Knowledge Library Entry

Opens an existing Knowledge Library file and allows the user to create a new section in that file for the new Knowledge Library entry.

Show only this Knowledge Library

Adjusts the display in the Knowledge Library's right pane to show only Knowledge Library Entries that are contained within the selected Knowledge Library file. This command can help sort or locate particular entries and is useful for managing entries within a large Knowledge Library Index.

To turn the option off, place your cursor back on the selected Knowledge Library, and select the option, now displaying a checkmark next to it, again.

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