You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > Knowledge Library Index Synchronization dialog

Knowledge Library Index Synchronization Dialog

This dialog, which appears only in knowledge library files, allows you to customize the screens that appear and the actions that are required by users when saving a knowledge library file.

Login Options

Login Automatically

Select if you wish to login to the Knowledge Library index security system automatically. Once selected, in the User text box, enter the user name to be used automatically, or click the images\extdesc_shg.gif button to access the Calculation editor and enter a calculation.

If calculation entered evaluates to an existing user, then no login is needed when the file is saved. If the file is launched from the Knowledge Library Index, the option is not used, as the Knowledge Library Index uses its own cached user information instead.

Version update

Suppress version update dialog

Select to keep the version dialog from displaying when the Knowledge library document is saved. Select this option if version information would be confusing to the end user or if display of the version information is not required.