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Knowledge Library Monitor Dialog

The Knowledge Library Monitor dialog administers the folders used to present results in the Section Usage tab.

Add Folder

Add a folder to the library monitor list. The monitor list only contains top level folders, but not the subfolders beneath, this can have an impact on the results when using the Add Folder button. Please consider the following scenarios:

  • The folder being added is not related to any folders which currently exist in the monitor list (it is not a parent or subfolder): it will be added to the listing and all CaseView documents and client files stored beneath this folder will be examined for Knowledge Library section linkages.
  • The folder being added is a subfolder of an existing entry in the list: it will not be added to the listing, however the CaseView documents within the folder and subfolders will be rescanned. This is essentially the same as pressing the Update Folder button.
  • The folder being added is a parent of an existing entry (or entries) in the list: it will be added to the listing and the existing subfolder entry will be removed as it has become superfluous.

Delete Folder

Removes the folder from monitoring and also removes any existing entries in the database used to generate the Section Usage tab. This ensures the results in the Section Usage tab are not cluttered with unwanted folder entries.

Delete All Folders

Removes all folders from the listing and also clears the database used to generate the Section Usage tab.

Update Folder

Rescan the selected folder to refresh the contents listing in the database used to generate the Section Usage tab. The update involves three stages:

  • Folder level updates remove the folder from the listing if it has been deleted, remove subfolders which have been renamed or deleted, and add new or newly renamed subfolders. A client level update is performed on any client files within the folder's hierarchy.
  • Client level updates remove the client file from the database if it has been deleted or renamed, add new or newly renamed client files, and refresh the CaseView document listings for existing client files to ensure document name and number changes, additions, and deletions are properly reflected in the database. A document level update is performed on any CaseView documents within these client files.
  • Document level updates compare the modified date of CaseView documents within the hierarchy to the last known save date in the database. If a save has been performed since the last update, the contents of the document will be rescanned.

Update All Folders

Updates all folders, following the same logic as the individual folder update.


Generates a comma delimited text file (.CSV) which contains the contents of the Section Usage tab. This document can be viewed in Microsoft Excel.

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