You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > Refine Library Repackage dialog

Refine Library Repackage Dialog

Use this step to filter any undesired Knowledge Library Entries out of the new Knowledge Library. This step also can be used to establish a new account management password.


Enter the filter to limit the Knowledge Library entries in the new Knowledge Library Index. Filters can be created based on any property, including custom properties, in the Knowledge Library Index. When filtering entries, however, the repackage does not remove the file from its existing Knowledge Library document, but rather includes the entire Knowledge library document in the repackage.

Copy only referenced users

If selected, only those teams that actually have ownership of parts of the Knowledge Library Index being repackaged are included in the new Knowledge Library Index.

New account management password

Select to assign a new account management password to the new Knowledge Library Index. If not selected, the new Knowledge Library index inherits the password from the current one.


Enter a password to be used for Account Management.


Confirm the password by typing it a second time.