You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > Save as Knowledge Library Index dialog

Save as Knowledge Library Index Dialog

Saves the Knowledge library index being created. The Windows Save file dialog appears.

Save in

Select the drive and folder where you want to store the Index file. Save the Knowledge Library Index either in the same folder as the knowledge library files it will manage or in a parent folder containing the folder full of the knowledge library files.

To create a new folder for the Index, click the Create New Folder button.

File Name

To save an Index file with a new name, type a new file name.

To save an Index file with an existing file name, select the name in the list or type the current name. When you click the OK button, CaseView asks you if you want to overwrite the existing Index file.

Save as type

By default, CaseView chooses to save the new Index file in an Index file format (*.dbf extension).

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