You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > To create Knowledge Library Index groups

Creating Knowledge Library Index Groups

  1. In the Knowledge Library Index, click images\kli_views_button_shg.gif.
  2. Click Add Group to create a new group.
  3. Type in a Group Name and Display name for the group: the Group Name is the internal identifier for the group; the Display name displays in the drop-down lists in the Knowledge Library Index or in CaseView.
  4. In the left pane of available views, select the views to be included in the group. Click images\kli_right_arrow_button_shg.gif to move them to the Views in this list pane. To remove views from the Group, highlight them and click the images\kli_left_arrow_button_shg.gif to move them back to the Available Views list.
  5. Click OK.
  • The Define Views dialog shows existing groups and the views assigned to them.


  • Views can be dragged and dropped in the Define Views dialog to assign or unassign them to or from groups quickly. Views can be assigned to more than one group at a time. To assign the view to more than one group, drag and drop it to assign it to the first group and then hold Ctrl while dragging the view to subsequent groups.
  • To remove a view from a group, drag it to the Unassigned Group folder.

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