You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > To create Knowledge Library Index views

Creating Knowledge Library Index Views

  1. In the Knowledge Library Index, click images\kli_views_button_shg.gif to launch the Define Views dialog.

  2. Click Add View to create a new view.
  3. The New View Definition dialog will be launched. In the General tab, type in a View name and Display name for the view: the View name is the internal identifier for the view; the Display name displays in the drop-down lists in the Knowledge Library Index or in CaseView.
  4. Click Show Properties.
  5. The pane on the right displays the default columns in the Knowledge Library Index. Use the arrow buttons images\kli_right_arrow_button_shg.gif and images\kli_left_arrow_button_shg.gif to add and remove columns to display in your view.
  6. Reorder the columns required in the view by selecting each one at a time and using the images\kli_up_button_shg.gif and images\kli_down_button_shg.gif buttons to move them into the required position.
  7. If desired, use the Group and Sort tabs to set grouping and sorting for the view.
  8. If desired, use the Filter tab to limit the records that display in the view. The tab displays the existing fields. Double-clicking a name moves it into the Filter definition pane. If the filter is valid the status box reads OK. For more information on filters, see the help in the Filter tab in the New View Definition dialog.
  9. When the View has been defined, click OK. The new view displays in the define Views dialog. Click OK to exit.
  • To activate the view, select it from the View drop-down list.


  • If creating multiple views, it may be necessary to create groups to help manage them. Each view can belong to more than one group, if desired. Using groups is a good way to isolate a set of views for use by various users of the client file. For example, one group could contain all the views that would be needed by the template developer when creating a template while another may contain only those views - with more limited information and fewer columns showing - that an end user would use when working in the client file.

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