You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library Index > To create custom Knowledge Library properties

Creating Custom Knowledge Library Properties

Custom properties allow administrators of the Knowledge Library Index more freedom in describing the Knowledge Library entry content. Where predefined columns for views offer the most commonly sought after information, it may be necessary to categorize content by an unexpected method. Administrators can specify any criteria for the column and assign any value to the Library content.

  1. In the Knowledge Library Index, click images\kli_custom_properties_button_shg.gif to launch the KLI Custom Properties dialog.
  2. Click Add to open the KLI Create Custom Properties dialog.
  3. Type a Name and a Display Name for the property. The Name field is an internal name used by the system. The Display Name is what the user will see.
  4. Specify the Type of property and Length of value.
  5. To allow users, other than members of the Owner team, to be able to modify the custom property in the future, select "Property values modifiable by everyone". Click OK.
  6. Close the Custom Property dialog by clicking OK, or click Add again to create more custom properties.
  7. Once created, the custom property displays on the far right of the Knowledge Library Index as a blank column. The column header is the Display name which was entered.
  8. Manually fill in the applicable information in this column for the each Knowledge Library entry.


  • For large collections of Knowledge Library content, it may be necessary to first create a custom view to filter out only those records that need to be updated with the new custom property. This will simplify the process of entering the information.

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