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View Group Dialog

Assignment of views to groups can also be done by dragging and dropping the view onto the groups in the Views box in the Define Views dialog.


Group Name

Enter the database name for the group. This name is used internally by scripting and other programming functions.

Display Name

Enter a name to be displayed in the Knowledge Library Index for the group. This name displays in the drop-down list next to Views on the main Knowledge Library Index screen. This name also displays in any dialog boxes showing the views and how they are grouped in CaseView.


Displays the name of the user (team) that created the current group.

View List

Use this area to assign and unassign existing views to the group.

Available Views

Lists all the available views.

Views in this Group

Lists the views currently assigned to the group. To assign a view to the group, highlight it in the available views box and us the images\kli_right_arrow_button_shg.gif button to move it into the views in this Group box. To remove a view from the group, highlight it and use the images\kli_left_arrow_button_shg.gif button to move the view back into the View list.

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