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Assign taxonomy elements to map numbers

To fully integrate taxonomy elements, you must assign them to map numbers in the Working Papers file. After assigning the taxonomy elements, the XBRL tags become available in all instances where the map number is used in a CaseView document.

You only need to assign taxonomy elements once; afterward, the assignments are recorded in the DM database which you can copy to other files using the Copy Components function.

To assign a taxonomy to map numbers in a Working Papers file:

  1. On the ribbon, click Tools | Map XBRL Taxonomy.
  2. Select the taxonomy you want to assign. Click Next.
  3. In the Map Taxonomy Elements dialog, select a role from the Unmapped Taxonomy Elements by Role drop-down menu.
  4. In the left-hand pane, drill down and select the taxonomy element.
  5. In the right-hand pane, drill down and select the map number to associate with the taxonomy element. Click Map.

The taxonomy element is assigned to the map number. Mapped taxonomy items display in non-bold text, so you can easily view which items still require mapping. When complete, click Finish.

Note: Taxonomy elements may not completely match your mapping structure. Some modifications may be required.