You are here: Help Topics > Setup > XBRL > Create a taxonomy repository

Create a taxonomy repository

To start using the XBRL format, you must first create a local repository to store your taxonomy files. You can download a taxonomy that suits your organization's needs from your region's filing authority.

To create a taxonomy repository:

  1. On your workstation, navigate to the Working Papers program directory (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare\) and create a folder named Taxonomy. Copy your taxonomy files into the folder.
  2. Open Working Papers. On the ribbon, click Tools | Map XBRL Taxonomy.
  3. The Select Taxonomy dialog displays. Click Options.
  4. On the Local Repository tab, enter or Browse for the Taxonomy folder you created.
  5. On the Languages tab, select the default language to use when displaying the taxonomy. Taxonomies with labels and descriptions in more than one language will display in the default language first. If the default language is not available in the taxonomy, the first language in the taxonomy will be used. Click OK.

The Select Taxonomy dialog populates with a list of available taxonomies. If you are using map numbers to organize data in your file, click Next to assign taxonomy elements to map numbers.

Note: To remove a taxonomy, manually delete it from the Taxonomy folder.