You are here: Help Topics > Setup > XBRL > Import XBRL instance documents

Import XBRL instance documents

You can import an XBRL instance document into a Working Papers file to analyze the numeric data with respect to the file's calculation link-base. Values are assigned to a new account that is created and associated with the map number assigned to the particular XBRL element. The import excludes nested XBRL total elements to avoid double-counting.

To import an XBRL instance document:

  1. In Working Papers, open the file where you want to import the instance document.
  2. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Import | XBRL File. The XBRL Import Wizard displays.
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.
  4. Select the type of import to perform. Click Next.
  5. Enter or Browse for XBRL instance file to import. Select any other applicable options.

    Option Description
    Update year end date in Engagement Properties Select to update the year end date based on information in the XBRL instance document.
    Select the taxonomy elements for import Select to import only specific elements of the taxonomy. If this option is cleared, all elements are imported.
    Stop import on warnings Select to stop the import if the instance document contains any elements that would cause the final imported balance to be unbalanced.

    Click Next.

  6. (Optional) If you selected the Select the taxonomy elements option, specify which taxonomy elements you want to import. Selecting top-level elements automatically includes their sub-elements. Click Next.
  7. A list of entities that have associated accounts in the instance document displays. For each entity, select one of the following options:

    • Do Not Import: Ignore the entity and do not import its data into the Working Papers file.
    • Import as New Entity: Import the entity as a new Working Papers entity. You can build a hierarchy by selecting a parent for the entity.
    • Map to Existing Entity: Map the entity to an existing entity in either the XBRL instance document or in the Working Papers file. You can use this option to designate entities as child entities.

    Click Next.

  8. A summary of the import displays. To proceed, click Finish.

The XBRL instance document is imported into the Working Papers file.

Note: During the import, Working Papers reads the XBRL file and creates a new account in the Working Trial Balance for each XBRL tag. The account properties are automatically completed for any XBRL tag that has been assigned to a map number. The account number created is XB follow by the map number. Working Papers parses any tagged values in the XBRL file and places them into the proper columns; for example, opening, prior year, prior year 2, etc.