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Graph properties

You can personalize your charts and graphs using a variety of different properties.


Option Description
Main and Sub Titles
  • Font Type: Select the font type to use for the graph's main and sub titles.
  • Font Size: Select the font size to use for the graph's main and sub titles.
  • Font Style: Select the font styles to use for the graph's main and sub titles, including Bold, Italic, and Underline.
Axis Titles
  • Font Type: Select the font type to use for the graph's axis titles.
  • Font Size: Select the font size to use for the graph's axis titles.
  • Font Style: Select the font styles to use for the graph's axis, including Bold, Italic, and Underline.


Option Description
Main Title Enter the main title of the graph. Titles must be entered inside quotations.
Sub Title Enter an optional sub title for the graph. Titles must be entered inside quotations.

Axis Titles

  • X Axis: Enter a title to display on the X axis (horizontal).
  • Y Axis: Enter a title to display on the Y axis (vertical).

Axis titles are not applicable to pie charts.


Option Description
Cells Available

Lists all cells and their values from the current document.

Data Series

Populates the graph with data. Each column represents a data series and each row represents an x-axis category. For example, a bar chart could use revenues as a data series and several periods as x-axis categories. Pie graphs only require one data series.

All cells in the Data Series table can use CaseView cell functions. The data points (white cells) should only contain numeric values. The x-axis labels and series names (orange cells) can be numeric or alphanumeric. A graph can contain up to 100 x-axis categories with each label containing a maximum length of 64-characters each.

  • Skip: Enter a condition where if true, the row or column will not display. For example, where a pie graph has a data point of C1, entering C1=0 in the same row under the Skip column hides the data point.
Insert Series Add a new series (column) to the graph.
Insert Point Add a new point (row) to the graph.
Clear Clear the contents of the selected cell.
Remove Remove the selected series (column) or point (row) from the graph.

Chart Options

These options are only applicable to charts (non-pie).

Format (1/2)

Option Description
Graph Width / Height

Select the width and height for the graph, up to a maximum width of 15 inches.

New Look

Select to enable the improved look. Selecting this option may enable/disable some other options.


Select a percentage to shrink or hide the graph's appearance on-screen. Don't Hide displays the graph at it's full size. 100% fully hides the graph.

Plotting Method

Select the type of chart to display the data.

Border Style

Select the type of border to apply to elements in the graph.

Display Style

Specifies display criteria for the chart.

  • Chart: Displays the data as a chart graph. Select the type of chart in the Plotting Method field.
  • Table: Displays the data as a numeric table. Select the table presentation in the Plotting Method field.
  • Both: Displays a chart graph and a supporting table. Not applicable for Horizontal Bar type charts.

Select to display the graph in color, grayscale or grayscale with symbols.

  • Grayscale Printing: Select to have the graph print in grayscale regardless of the option selected under Colors.
Show Legend

Select the placement of the graph legend to show at the top, bottom, left, or right of the graph. When the New Look option is selected, the graph legend can also be positioned to the top right. Select Not Show to hide the legend.

  • Show Legend Even 1 Data Set: Select this option to show a legend for the chart even if there is only 1 data set plotted.
  • Legend Overlaps Chart: Select this option to show a legend overlapping the chart, based on the Show Legend selection.

Format (2/2)

Option Description
Enclose graph with a border

Select to enclose the whole graph with a border.

Grid Line Display

Select this option to change the presentation of grid lines in the chart. This option is unavailable when creating a pie chart.

  • None: Click None to clear gridlines.
  • Both: Sets gridlines for both the X and the Y-axis.
  • Y-Axis: To set gridlines on the Y axis (horizontal), click Y.
  • X-Axis: To set gridlines on the X axis (vertical), click X.
Bar Width

For Bar graphs, select the percentage of space the total data series takes up within each x-axis category. The percentage can be set from 20 to 100%.

Grid In Front of Data

Select to display the grid lines in front of the data.

Disable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Bar Glass Effect

For Bar graphs, select to enable a simple shading and lighting effect for all bars.

Disable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Grid Line Style

Select a style to apply to the grid lines in a graph.

Grid line styles vary depending on whether New Look is enabled or disabled.

Gradient Style

Select a style to apply shading and lighting effect to the data instead of displaying as a solid color.

Use Thick lines

Select to enable thicker grid lines.

Enable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Bevel Style

Select a style to apply a shaded bevel effect to the data instead of displaying as a solid color.

Disable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Shadow Style

Select a style to apply a shadow or 3D effect to the data instead of displaying as a solid color.

Data Points

Option Description
Choose Points

Select to plot all points, or the manually selected x-axis data points in the list below.

Numbers In Scientific Notation If Needed

Select this check box to allow short notations for some numbers.

Enable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Use Document Rounding (None)

Select this check box to apply the rounding rules established for the document under the Tools tab, Rounding command.

Rounding To

Select the rounding value to be used from the selector box. If selecting rounding to 10's, the number 452 will be rounded to 45. This option is not available if the Use Document Rounding check box is selected.

Display Zeroes

Select to have zeroes display for numbers after rounding is applied to them. For example, if rounding to the 1,000s, the number 22,222 displays in all labels as 22,000 (22,222 rounded down) with the option selected, and as 22 with this option not selected.

Decimal Places

Use the selector to set the number of decimal points to display.

Decimal and Grouping Symbols Select whether to use the decimal and grouping symbols from your workstation's current regional settings, or from the Working Papers file settings.

X Axis

Option Description
Label Orientation

Select the angle to display the X-Axis label. Available options vary depending on whether New Look is enabled or disabled.

Threshold / Maximum Points

Use these options in tandem to control the number of labels that display on the X-Axis. For the X-Axis Threshold, indicate the maximum number of labels to display on the X-Axis; if the number of labels exceeds this amount, only the number of labels set under the X-axis Maximum Points option display.

For example, if the X-Axis threshold is set to 25 and the X-Axis maximum points are set at 5, the graph actually has 30 points with potential labels. CaseView calculates and displays only 5 evenly distributed labels on the X-Axis. For best results, select a maximum points number that divides evenly into the total number of labels in the graph.

Disable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable these options.

Y Axis

Option Description
Manually Set Scale

Select this option to set the Y-axis scale manually. Once selected, in the appropriate fields, type in a value or click on the calculation button to enter a formula setting the Minimum and Maximum values for the Y- Axis.

Manually Set Frequency

Select this option to set the Y-axis frequency manually. Once selected, in the appropriate fields, type in a value or click on the calculation button to enter a formula setting how often lines with labels (Line Frequency) and tick marks between lines (Tick Frequency) display for the Y- Axis.


Select the percentage of space that displays between the maximum data value and the top of the graph. The default value is 5%. This option is only available when the Manually Set Scale check box is not selected.

Include Zero Axis

Select to include zero in the Y-axis values. This option is only available when the Manually Set Scale check box is not selected.

Show Zero Horizontal Line

Select to include a zero horizontal line when the Y-Axis includes a zero axis.

Text Formatting

Enter text with double-quotes to have it display before or after the Y-Axis data, such as a currency symbol or unit of measure.


Select to show Y-Axis tick marks inside the axis, outside the axis, or hide the tick marks completely. When the New Look option is checked, tick marks can display across the axis.

Pie Options

These options are only applicable to pie charts.

Format (1/2)

Option Description
Graph Width / Height

Select the width and height for the graph, up to a maximum width of 15 inches.

New Look

Select to enable the improved look. Selecting this option may enable/disable some other options.


Select a percentage to shrink or hide the graph's appearance on-screen. Don't Hide displays the graph at it's full size. 100% fully hides the graph.

Pie Type

Select whether the graph should be in the form of a Pie, Doughnut, or Torus.

Border Style

Select the type of border to apply to elements in the graph.

Show Label

Select whether numbers, labels, or both should be displayed in the graph. The numbers can be percentages or numeric values, as determined by the Representation option from the Pie Options - Data tab.


Select to display the graph in color, grayscale or grayscale with symbols.

  • Grayscale Printing: Select to have the graph print in grayscale regardless of the option selected under Colors.
Label Position

Select whether the label should be positioned outside, inside the end, or at the center of the graph.

Enable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Show Legend

Select the placement of the graph legend to show at the top, bottom, left, or right of the graph. When the New Look option is selected, the graph legend can also be positioned to the top right. Select Not Show to hide the legend.

  • Legend Overlaps Chart: Select this option to show a legend overlapping the chart, based on the Show Legend selection.

Manually set the diameter/radius of the graph. The value refers to the percentage width of the graph. A zero percentage causes CaseView to automatically calculate the diameter/radius.

Slice Start Position

Select the starting position of the first pie slice in degrees, where zero represents the 3 o'clock position moving counter clockwise.

Slice Grouping

Data points that fall under the percentage value selected will be grouped under one slice labeled "Other". The data points are listed at the bottom of the graph. Select No grouping to display a slice for each data point.

Format (2/2)

Option Description
Enclose graph with a border

Select to enclose the whole graph with a border.

Shadow Style

Select a style to apply a shadow or 3D effect to the data instead of displaying as a solid color.

Gradient Style

Select a style to apply shading and lighting effect to the data instead of displaying as a solid color.

Pie Angle

Indicate the orientation angle of the graph.

Enable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.


Option Description
Data Series

If multiple data series were created in the Data tab, select the series you want to display in the current pie graph.


Specifies how the data will be presented on the pie chart. To have data points expressed as a percentage, click Percentage. To have data points expressed as numeric values, click Numeric Values.

If selecting Numeric values, select the appropriate rounding rules. To hide zeroes according to the rules established for the document under the Tools tab, Rounding command, select the Use Document Rounding option.

Use Document Rounding (None)

Select this check box to apply the rounding rules established for the document under the Tools tab, Rounding command.

Data Rounding

Select the rounding value to be used from the selector box. If selecting rounding to 10's, the number 452 will be rounded to 45. This option is not available if the Use Document Rounding check box is selected.

Display Zero

Select to have zeroes display for numbers after rounding is applied to them. For example, if rounding to the 1,000s, the number 22,222 displays in all labels as 22,000 (22,222 rounded down) with the option selected, and as 22 with this option not selected.

Decimal Places

Use the selector to set the number of decimal points to display.

Decimal and Grouping Symbols Select whether to use the decimal and grouping symbols from your workstation's current regional settings, or from the Working Papers file settings.
Slice Customization

Specifies options for customizing the appearance of the pie chart.

  • Default: Select to display all data points in the series.
  • Select Slices to Explode: Select to emphasize a particular data point by slightly moving the pie slice out of the pie graph. Click the data point(s) you want to emphasize.
  • Select Data Points to Pie: Select to manually select the data points in the pie graph. Click the check box next to the data points you want to appear in the pie graph.


The Series/Pie tab label changes depending on the type of chart you are customizing.


Option Description
Follow Paragraph Shade Color

Select to use the current paragraph color for the area surrounding the graph.

  • Desk: Represents the background color of the area surrounding the graph. Deselect Follow Paragraph Shade Color to use this option.

Represents the text color for all title, axis and point labels.

Border Shadow

Represents the color of shadows applied to the graph when Drop Shadow is selected as the Border Style on the Format tab.

Disable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.

Graph Foreground / Background
  • Foreground: Represents the color of grid lines and legend outlines on the graph.
  • Background: Represents the background color of the graph.
Grid Band

Represents the color of grid lines on the graph.

Table Foreground / Background
  • Foreground: Represents the color of the table text and outline.
  • Background: Represents the background color of the table.

Disable New Look on the Format (1/2) tab to enable this option.


Option Description

Specifies the transparency of the data point colors, from clear to solid.

Use New Color Theme

Select to base the colors off the currently selected theme.

Refresh Colors Click to refresh the color scheme of the graph to the newly selected settings.