Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Customization > Tables > Keeping Table Rows Together

Keeping Table Rows Together

  1. Place the cursor in the final paragraph in the final column of the row that you want to keep together.
  2. On the Home tab, clickParagraph, and then click the Paragraph tab.

  3. To prevent a page break from separating the selected row from the next row, or the final row of the table with the following paragraph, select the Keep together option.


  • Other paragraphs within a table set as Keep with Next are ignored.
  • For wide tables that have been set to wrap on the screen, in all rows other than the last row of the table, if the last paragraph of the row has a keep-with next or keep with next printed, the selected row will display and print in the same row set as the next row. However, keep with next is not implemented for the last row of wrapping wide tables.

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