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Profile 2 - Basic

The Basic profile includes automatic documents, work programs, materiality worksheet and the Financial Statement Areas Worksheet. The default documentation included is not ISA compliant.

This profile is designed for a simple local engagement in jurisdictions where ISA's are not required but materiality concepts and basic risk assessment on Financial Statement areas are used to provide automated assistance in tailoring the audit work.

Audit tools include:

  • Trial balance, journal entries and issues
  • Optimiser checklist to customise specific procedure actions in work programs
  • Materiality worksheet and key materiality information at the top of most documents
  • Financial Statement Areas worksheet (FSA)
    • Deletes immaterial audit sections.
    • Deletes procedures on risk assessment.
  • Audit plans and procedures - lead sheets and audit work programs
  • Identified misstatements - unrecorded journal entries

For a comparison of all the profiles and general options, click here.