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Profile 3 - OneForm

The OneForm profile includes automatic documents, work programs, materiality and the Financial Assertions Worksheet. It also includes "OneForm" - a memo document designed as a framework for ISA documentation requirements.

This profile is designed for a simple engagement where ISA's are required. A one page memo form is provided as a framework to complete required documentation, including risk documentation.

Where more guidance is required additional documents can be added from a document library.

  • Audit tools include:
  • Trial balance, journal entries and issues
  • Optimiser checklist to customise specific procedure actions in work programs
  • Oneform - a one page audit memo to complete required documentation for planning, risk assessment/responses, and completion of the audit.
  • Materiality worksheet and key materiality information at the top of most documents
  • Financial Statement Areas worksheet (FSA)
    • Deletes immaterial audit sections.
    • Deletes procedures on risk assessment.
  • Audit plans and procedures - lead sheets and audit work programs
  • Identified misstatements - unrecorded journal entries (summarised by factual/projected/judgemental) and a summary of unadjusted misstatements.

For a comparison of all the profiles and general options, click here.