-- Firm Author --

Editing Procedures

Procedures can be edited in the work program or checklist. Changing the version number of a modified procedure will help the end user identify procedures that are out of date during the update process. Page breaks can also be added for printing purposes.

If you have procedures that are appearing in the wrong group or sub group title, you need to change the group or sub group of the procedure using the procedure properties. Note that if the procedure is not owned by you, you will not have access to modify the group or sub group in the procedure properties. In this case, edit the procedure to change ownership prior to modifying the group or sub grouping.


  • If you edit a common procedure, your changes are applied to all instances of the procedure in the file. If a template author is working in a document containing the common procedure, they will need to re-open a document for the updates to be applied.
  • Be sure to review the procedure availability to ensure the correct procedures are available to the user. See Procedure Availability for more information.
  • If you do not own the procedure you are trying to edit, you will be warned to change ownership of the procedure when you try to edit the procedure. During the change in ownership, a new procedure is created based on the original procedure, and the original procedure will be marked as unavailable. For end users who already have client files with the original content, the check for updates will show the original procedure as deleted and a new procedure has been added by the firm author. It is the firm's responsibility to alert the user of the change, as the end user may not understand why a procedure has been deleted and another procedure has been added, and the client file is not showing the original procedure as updated.
  • If the ownership is changed for a procedure that has been defined for a checklist, any custom actions defined for that procedure will be deleted.
  • When you take ownership of a common procedure, the firm author copy replaces all other instances of the common procedure as well.
  • You can change the procedure to Required without changing the authorship. Note, however, that this may need to be reviewed to ensure they are set properly after any content update is released by Caseware.