-- User --

New Reportable Item Dialog

Note:Some options in the dialog may not available as they are disabled by your firm author.

Section/Buttons Description
Reportable Item Doormat Menu

Click to open the Reportable Item Doormat menu. The menu lists risks, controls and reportable items that have been defined. You can create, delete and edit a risk, controls or reportable items from this menu.

You can also remove risks, controls and reportable items in bulk by clicking the Delete (x) button to the right of the heading.


Displays the description entered in the New reportable item name field.

Navigation Buttons

Display the previous and next reportable item. The order in which risks are displayed is specified in the risks drop-down. This field is visible only if you have accessed this dialog from within a risk report.

Reportable Item

New reportable item name

Type a short description of the reportable item. This short description appears in the document 360. - Management letter report and by the letters linked to specific reportable items.


Type a description for the observation or weakness for which the reportable item has been created.


Type an alphanumeric identifier.


Type an additional description for the weakness for which the reportable item has been created.

Other reportable item

Select if the reportable item is not a Current Finding or a Previous Finding. When this check box is selected, the Associated Controls, Associated Risks and Add Recommendation fields are hidden.


Click to open a link to the original source document where the reportable item was identified in the Document Manager dialog. The source/reference is automatically populated when adding a reportable item inside a document. Note: You can link a specific procedure to a reportable item by clicking near the work program.


Click to add a reference link to where the audit work was completed to address the reportable item.


Select the status of the reportable item to assist in tracking the reportable item.

Recommendation and Response

Add Recommendation

Click beside the reportable item name, to add recommendations. When you click button the following choices appear:

  • Create New (item) - opens the New Recommendation dialog and create a new recommendation
  • Import from File - - imports risks from a template or other source file, using the Import Reportable Items dialog.
  • Edit Recommendation - edits an existing recommendation. A dialog appears that lists the recommendations that have already been added to this client file, select a recommendation to edit and click OK.

When you have selected the recommendations to add to the reportable item, you can then select the letters that are to contain the reportable item and the recommendations.

Management Response

Type the details of any response from management and any controls that have been implemented with respect to the reportable item.


Type the reason for choosing this response for the reportable item.

Roll forward

Select to include the reportable item in next year's file. This is selected by default.

Letter Structure Year Identified

Select from current or prior year in which the reportable item was identified.


Select the grouping to use. This can be left blank, or can be any defined business cycle.


Select the rating for this reportable item. The firm author specifies the list of available ratings.


Select the grouping to use. This can be left blank, or can be any defined business cycle.



Click beside Risk, to add risk to the control. The following choices appear:

  • Create New (item) - opens the New risk dialog to create a new risk.
  • Import from File - imports risks from a template or other source file, using the import controls dialog.
  • Edit Association - uses an existing risk. A dialog appears that lists the controls that have already been added to this client file. From the dialog, select one or more controls to be associated with this risk.


Click beside Control, to add controls to the risk. The following choices appear:

  • Create New (item) - opens the New control dialog to create a new control.
  • Import from File - imports controls from a template or other source file, using the import controls dialog.
  • Edit Association - uses an existing control. A dialog appears that lists the controls that have already been added to this client file. From the dialog, select one or more controls to be associated with this risk.