Assigning Users (only if Protection is used)
To use the security system and the automatic sign off features within the engagement, it is necessary to prepare a listing of all users in your firm. Once applicable users are entered, create user groups and assign users to groups. A sample of user groups typical to a practicing unit is provided.
Depending on the rights established by the firm for various users, some users may not have access rights to add or remove users.
The user list is available system wide. There is no need to copy the user list to client files, as it is readily accessible to every client file. The user list should include every member of the firm who requires access rights to Working Papers. Supervisors can add additional staff at any time in any Working Papers client file. Any changes are automatically reflected in all Working Papers client files. For more information, see the Working Papers help topics Manage Users.
Step One: Add/Remove users
Prior to assigning users to a group, the user must have been previously entered into the system through firm settings. Additional users can be added at this point, however, the change will only be reflected in this engagement.
Step Two: Create Global Groups and access rights
Access the Users and Groups dialog to create user listings and positions, and to subsequently add or remove staff users.
Step Three: Assign users to group
Assign users to the current client file and to a specific user group containing the rights to areas of the client file. Users can be assigned to multiple groups.