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Creating a Customized View


  1. From the Document Manager, open the Risk Report or Control Matrix. For more information, see Risk Report or Control Matrix.

  2. In the Filters area, select the desired options from the drop-down lists.

  3. Click to refresh if necessary.

  4. To adjust the columns to display, under Report mark off the columns not desired.

  5. To group the risks, click , or from the Report menu, select Layout.

  6. To modify the width of a column use the ruler at the top of the report and drag the markers to the desired location.

  7. To save the report for future reference, give it a unique name. Select Document and then Save View. Click the Create New View option and type a unique name for the risk report or control matrix. You can also overwrite an existing view by select Save To option.

  8. Click OK.


Your customized view is saved. If you need to delete the view, select Document and then Delete View or click on .