Launch Knowledge Library Index Action

Event Function: LaunchKLI

The Launch Knowledge Library Index Action opens the Knowledge Library Index quickly. For template designers it can be set to log in to a specific account with password. If an account or password is not specified, the login dialog opens to prompt logging in.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter Example

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.


The path and name of the Knowledge Library Index

"c:\Program Files\Caseware\new library\new.dbf"

Login name

The User's ID set in Working Papers. If an account or password is not specified, the login dialog opens to prompt logging in.



The User's password set in Working Papers. If the account is specified without the password, the login dialog opens with the account already chosen. Enter the password and click OK to log in.


Syntax (in the Equation bar)

ACTION("LaunchKLI", expr1, expr2, expr3)


expr1 = entry under Filename

expr2 = entry under Login name

expr3 = entry under Password

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("LaunchKLI", "c:\Program Files\Caseware\data\new library\new.dbf","Employee1","Passwd1")


  • Groups and Views are created in the Knowledge Library Index by the designer. If specifying a group under View (Group) Name, all views assigned to that group display. If a non-existent group or view is specified, then all views and groups will display.

  • Activating the event when the Knowledge Library Index is already open, closes the Knowledge Library Index.

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