Performs multiple queries until it returns a non null string data associated with the provided "Group", "Form1", "ID" .. "Group", "FormN", "ID" from a specified system database.
CVDATAQRY("SystemID","Group","Form1",…, "FormN","ID")
SystemID - The label applied to the system database specified in the document settings.
Group - The group of the data. This can be set to a null string.
Form1 .. FormN - The form of the data. This can be set to a null string.
ID - The identifier of the data. This can be set to a null string.
Note: The function can only take a maximum of 20 forms. The 21st form onwards will be ignored.
Will make multiple retrieves of the data associated with "CNDPROV","FR-CA","ONTARIO" "CNDPROV","FR-FR","ONTARIO" and "CNDPROV","FR","ONTARIO" from "STRINGS" system database until it returns a non null string data.