Launch Cell Group Dialog Action

Event Function: CellGroupDialog

The Launch Cell Group Dialog action opens the Cell Group dialog. You can specify which Cell Group is to be shown when the dialog is launched. To do so, put the cell group's label in the Cell Group field.

Using the Events tab

Under Enter

Run Skip Condition

If desired, enter skip conditions for the event. When the "Run Skip Condition" is evaluated to be true, the action is not performed.

Cell Group

If a specific cell group is to be displayed in the dialog, enter its identifier.

Syntax (in the Equation bar)



CellGroup = the identifier for the Cell Group to be showing when the Cell Group dialog opens.

How the example will appear in the Equation bar

ACTION("CellGroupDialog","Current Percent")


  • If the empty string "" is chosen for "CellGroup", the Cell Group dialog launches with the no group selected.

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