Creating a Response and Assigning an Action for Invalid Input

Once you have finished specifying the validation rule for your input cell, a response should be specified. When the input to a cell causes validation to fail, a response can be provided to the user to communicate the fact that validation has failed. The response can be set to None or to one of the response types described below.

Follow the steps below to create a response and assign an action for invalid cell input:

  1. Select the type of response that will be displayed to the user.
  2. Provide a string value in quotation marks for any fields that appear to the right of the response selection.
  3. Select the action to be performed on the input value.

Numeric, Alphanumeric Value Not Empty and Date Responses and Actions

Response Type Description Fields Action
None No response is displayed to the user. None

Keep Value - The input value remains in the cell.

Reject Value - The input value is removed from the cell.

Tooltip A tooltip is displayed to the user. The user needs to click "x" to dismiss the tooltip or wait 3 seconds for it to disappear. Message - Provides a custom message to the user. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Keep Value - The input value remains in the cell.

Reject Value - The input value is removed from the cell.

Information dialog A message box is displayed to the user with the custom message.

Message - Provides a custom message to the user. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Title - Provides a title for the dialog. The title must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Keep Value - The input value remains in the cell.

Reject Value - The input value is removed from the cell.

OK/Cancel dialog A dialog with OK and Cancel options is displayed to the user.

Message - Provides a custom message to the user. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Title - Provides a title for the dialog. The title must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Reject on OK - The input value is removed from the cell if OK is clicked.

Reject on Cancel - The input value is removed from the cell if Cancel is clicked.

Yes/No dialog A dialog with Yes and No options is displayed to the user.

Message - Provides a custom message to the user. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Title - Provides a title for the dialog. The title must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Reject on Yes - The input value is removed from the cell if Yes is clicked.

Reject on No - The input value is removed from the cell if No is clicked.

Alphanumeric Match Format Responses and Actions

Response Type Description Fields Action
None No response is displayed to the user. None

Keep Value - The input value remains in the cell.

Reject Value - The input value is removed from the cell.

Tooltip A tooltip is displayed to the user. The user needs to click "x" to dismiss the tooltip or wait 3 seconds for it to disappear.

RESSTRCV() - Provides a default message to the user based on the selected Match Format Validation.

Note: A custom message can be created by clicking images\calctool_shg.gif to the right of the field. This message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Keep Value - The input value remains in the cell.

Reject Value - The input value is removed from the cell.

Information dialog A message box is displayed to the user with the custom message.

RESSTRCV() - Provides a default message and a default title "Validate" to the user based on the selected Match Format Validation.

Note: A custom message and title can be created by clicking images\calctool_shg.gif to the right of the field. This message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Keep Value - The input value remains in the cell.

Reject Value - The input value is removed from the cell.

OK/Cancel dialog A dialog with OK and Cancel options is displayed to the user.

RESSTRCV() - Provides a default message and a default title "Validate" to the user based on the selected Match Format Validation.

Note: A custom message and title can be created by clicking images\calctool_shg.gif to the right of the field. This message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Reject on OK - The input value is removed from the cell if OK is clicked.

Reject on Cancel - The input value is removed from the cell if Cancel is clicked.

Yes/No dialog A dialog with Yes and No options is displayed to the user.

RESSTRCV() - Provides a default message and a default title "Validate" to the user based on the selected Match Format Validation.

Note: A custom message and title can be created by clicking images\calctool_shg.gif to the right of the field. This message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Reject on Yes - The input value is removed from the cell if Yes is clicked.

Reject on No - The input value is removed from the cell if No is clicked.

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