Saving a Style Sheet

To make it easy to have a set of modified styles to be accessible to all CaseView documents, CaseView allows you to save the styles in a style sheet. For ease in locating style sheets, CaseView places any style sheets you create in a folder called "styles". In addition, style sheets are saved with a Filename extension of .STY so they are easily distinguished from other CaseView files.

  1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click to open the Style dialog.

  2. Click Style Sheets.
  3. Under Styles available in, choose New Style Sheet from the drop-down list.
  4. Type a name for the style sheet, verify that the Save as type is Style sheet Files (*.sty), and then click Save.

  5. At the Do you want to add all styles from file xxx to the new file? prompt, do one of the following:

    • Click Yes to copy existing styles displayed in the dialog into the style sheet being created.
    • Click No to create a blank style sheet that can be populated manually with the styles you want.
  6. Click Close.

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