Permissions tab - Section dialog

This dialog contains permission settings that can be changed in order to enable or disable users' document permissions of a current section when Design Mode is locked.

Section permissions take precedence over document permissions. For example, modification of cell calculations may be prohibited in the document and permitted in a section within the document. In this case, only cell calculations within the confines of the section are modifiable. In addition, if sections are nested within sections, the larger section takes precedence.


To reuse a group of settings, select an existing configuration from the drop-down list or click Edit to open the Document Permissions Settings | Security Configurations dialog to create, edit or delete a configuration.

Available operations

Lists all operations within the section to which permissions can be applied. To specify permissions for various areas of the section, click on an area and then select the permission level.


To specify document permissions for cells in the current section, click the operation and then select the type of permission below.


What it does

Modify Cell Attributes

Permits modification of cell attributes in the current document including cell content and cell numbers. In any section with Cell permissions turned on, properties in the Global Cell Options dialog can be changed. Users can then alter cells in areas outside of the permissions area.

Modify Cell Logic

Permits modification of cell calculations in the current document. If permission is granted to modify cell calculations, users can use the Linkage worksheet to link to the accounting database. With permissions denied, users cannot access the Data ID, Tool tip, or cell calculation portion of the equation bar.

Delete Cells

Permits cells to be deleted,

Note: In Form mode with Enable Editing on, the user must have both Delete Cell permission and Modify Paragraph Contents permission to be allowed to delete a cell.


To specify document permissions for paragraphs in the current section, click the operation and then select the type of permission below.


What it does

Modify Paragraph Formatting

Permits modification of all aspects of paragraph formatting including paragraph properties, borders and shading and column positioning.

Modify Character Level Formatting

Permits modification of all aspects of paragraph font type, font color, and font formatting (such as Bold, Italic,and Underline)

Modify Paragraph Contents

Permits editing of paragraph contents. Modification of paragraph contents includes the creation of new paragraphs, addition of text to existing paragraphs, or the removal of text from existing paragraphs. Cells contained within the paragraphs may also be deleted.

In addition, the permission allows inserting of pictures, graphs, line styles, and other objects as well allowing the addition of page and note numbers and cross-references.

Modify Paragraph Logic

Enables users to modify paragraph skip criteria and the conditions with which skipping paragraphs are viewed in the Form Mode.

Apply Style

Allows user to apply a style to the paragraph using the Style bar.


To specify document permissions for tables in the current section, click the operation and then select the type of permission below.


What it does

Modify Table Formatting

Enables users to modify table formatting including identifier, table indent, colors, borders, and shading.

Modify Table Logic

Enables users to modify the logic in tables including Skip/Hide properties.

Modify Wide Table Settings

Enables user to change any of the properties associated with wide tables including the ability to keep columns together, to set or change repeating columns, and to set column breaks. It also allows users to toggle between printing the table horizontally or wrapping it and it allows for the changing of space between rows.


Insert Row

Allows users to insert a row into an existing table. This permission only gives access to the action and does not give rights to enter or modify the table properties dialog.

Delete Row

Allows users to delete a row in an existing table. Remember that when the final row of a table is deleted, the table itself is also deleted.

Modify Row Formatting

Allows user to modify formatting such as height and span of a row.

Modify Row Logic

Allows users to alter row logic including Skip/Hide properties.

Table gridlines show in Form Mode with Enable Editing for sections permitting editing


To specify document permissions for sections, click the operation and select the type of permission below.


What it does

Modify Section Formatting

Enables users to apply rising or sinking currency signs, floating underlines, or to draw boxes and shading in portions of the document. However, this permission does not allow sections to be resized.

Modify Section Logic

Enables users to create new sections with Skip or Hide conditions or to modify the skip conditions of existing sections.

Resize Section

Enables users to resize a section.


  • To allow users to access the section dialog, the section requires either Section Formatting or Section Logic permission.
  • Deleting a section requires Section Formatting and Section Logic permission. The permission in the section dialog cannot be defined separately for this to work.
  • Resizing a section requires Resize Section permission. The section permissions must either define no permissions or just define Resize Section permissions.



What it does

Insert Knowledge Library Link

Allows users to insert a knowledge library link into the document.

Insert Automatic Table of Contents

Allows users to insert an automatic table of contents.

Insert Sub-Document

Allows users to insert a subdocument into the document. Also allows sub documents to be edited. In Form Mode, users can open sub documents only.

Copy CaseView data

Allows the user to copy CaseView information. This permission allows users to paste text along with fonts, cells and other special objects.

Setting for selected operation

Tip: To enable a permission, click Operation not restricted or select a minimum access level in the Minimum level required box.

Operation not restricted

Select to permit modification of the selected area.

Minimum level required

Select and type an access level to be applied to the selected operation. Access levels are defined in the group profile in Working Papers/Time.

Operation prohibited

Select to prevent modification of the selected area.

Use document settings

Select to use the default settings specified under Document | Settings | Document Security.