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Client File Updates

This template provides your engagement staff with the ability to update each engagement file using an Update from Template notification process. When opening a client file a notification balloon appears informing your staff that parts of the source template have been upgraded to a newer version. Clicking in the balloon launches a series of dialog boxes that display the available updates and enable your staff to select the updates to apply to your client file

To enable this process, you must change the various version numbers when any of the following happens:

  • Settings have been changed because the AO - General Options document has been changed - Document Version number.
  • A CaseView or external document, such as Word or Excel, has been modified - Document Version number.
  • Procedures in a work program or checklist document have been added, deleted, or updated - Content Version number.
  • A CaseView or external document has been added, deleted, or updated - Document Structure number.
  • A mapping or grouping structure has been changed - Structure number.