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Configure Document Prerequisites and Dependencies

The following attributes are available:

Attribute Description

Document Prerequisites

Select a document or a combination of documents by selecting the role signoffs that must be met before the current document can be worked on in an engagement.


Select actions to take if prerequisites are not met.

Display a warning icon

Displays a default warning message before the document launches and a notification warning icon in the open document's header area. The User will not be prevented from editing the document. This option will always be selected and cannot be changed.

Display alert message

Displays custom text in addition to the default warning message. The User will not be prevented from editing the document

Lock document

Locks the document until the prerequisite conditions are met or the User enters the password by selecting the CaseView Tools menu and choosing Lock | Form Mode.


Select actions to take when the required documents do not exist in the engagement client file.

Ignore missing documents

Missing documents are ignored when the prerequisite conditions are evaluated.

Notify user

Message displays stating that there is a missing document that is set as a prerequisite. This message will pop up each time the document is opened until the user inserts the missing document through the Document Library from the master template.


  • The default is set to two signoff roles. To change and define the Number of Roles, select the Working Papers Tools menu and choose Options | Roles.

  • The Apply Document Prerequisites option is selected by default in all documents. Care should be taken by the firm in removing this option.

The following attributes are available:

Attribute Description

Select a Role to prevent sign off removal

Ensure that this check box is selected in order to specify dependencies.

Select a role When this role is signed off on this document the dependent documents selected below will be signed off and the sign offs cannot be removed.
Prevent sign off removal on Selecting the documents in this list will make them dependent on the current document. These documents will be signed off with a sign off that cannot be removed when the specified role is signed off on the current document.