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Procedure Availability

By default when procedures are added to work programs or checklists they are available for all users to access in client files, with exception of firm authors modifying content that was originally in the template causing changing of authorship. In this case, the original procedure will be unselected in the procedure availability, therefore the original procedure is invisible to the users and the firm modified procedures will be available in its place. As a firm author you may have other procedures you wish to prevent engagement teams from viewing some of the content available by unselecting procedures.

Tip: When reviewing procedure from Set Procedure Availability, the procedures shown in this listing will only show the industries that are currently applied to the document through the Document Properties. If you have industry specific procedures in your work program / checklist, be sure to go to Properties under the Document menu and turn on the industries necessary prior to setting the procedure availability. This will ensure you are able to view all of the procedures belonging to this document.

This feature can be useful when you want to create content that has a later effective date than when you distribute the template to your end users. Firms can author these procedures ahead of time and hide them to the engagement teams. When this content becomes applicable, firm authors can set it as available and then re-release the content by repackage and redistribute. When engagement teams check for updates in their client files or insert from Content Library, this previously unavailable content will be available.  


  • If you delete a single procedure created by the firm from Procedure menu Delete Procedure – XXX menu or from right click menu Delete Procedure - XXX, in step 1 you will receive a confirmation message to delete the content from the work program, you will then receive a second prompt asking if you wish to delete from the library. Select No if you want to retain the content in the library. Selecting Yes will remove it from the work program and the content library.  

  • This process is work program and checklist specific and should be repeated if necessary in all other work programs.