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Check for Updates

The following options are available in the Check For Updates section of the AO - General options document:

Option Description

User selects individual procedures to update in each document.

  • All procedures marked as "Required" are automatically updated in each engagement.

  • No other procedures are automatically updated or new procedures added. Users can update procedures in a document in two ways:

    • As part of the client file update process, click Update in the Procedures dialog. This updates all procedures in any document in which updates have not been set to be ignored.
    • Open the document and select Check for Updates from the Document menu. This enables the user to update procedures on a procedure-by-procedure basis based on the status of the procedure.
  • Document properties are updated when Check for Updates is performed.

All existing procedures are updated. New procedures are stored in the library.

  • All procedures marked as "Required" are automatically updated in each engagement.

  • Automatically updates all existing procedures in an engagement file if they have not been modified at the engagement level.

  • Procedures that have been customized at the engagement level have an option to update or retain on a procedure-by-procedure basis.

  • New procedures remain in the content library and must be added to the engagement as needed.

  • Document properties are automatically updated.

All existing procedures are updated. New procedures are added to the document.

  • All procedures marked as "Required" are automatically updated in each engagement.

  • Automatically updates all existing procedures in an engagement file if they have not been modified at the engagement level.

  • Procedures that have been customized at the engagement level have an option to update or retain on a procedure-by-procedure basis.

  • New procedures are automatically added to each work program or checklist and must be deleted in the engagement as needed.

  • Document properties are automatically updated.